7 effective PR tools to promote events

Tədbirləri təşviq etmək üçün 7 effektiv PR aləti

Attracting the attention of society to the event is not an easy task. Hundreds of events take place every day in big cities, and it is a normal process to lose sight of an event in the huge flow of information. But the right use of some PR tools can help to promote the event and increase its effectiveness.

We highlight some of those PR tools.

1. Write an attention-grabbing press release

If you want everyone to talk about your event, you must first be able to interest journalists. Journalists are very important professionals who play the role of liaison between the organization and the society. A journalist is also a person who is engaged in news production every day and is looking for new news every day. If you can prepare information that may be of interest to journalists, it will be convenient to promote your event.

It is important to think like a journalist to capture the journalist’s interest. For this, first of all, you should understand the essence of the term news used in journalism, know the current agenda in the country and be able to evaluate the processes. In most cases, this is very difficult, if not impossible, for publicists without journalistic experience.

After you have analyzed the processes and found a topic that can attract the journalist’s attention, you should prepare a short press release that answers the following questions:

  • What aspect of your event should interest the journalist?
  • Why should this press release be interesting to the reader?
  • How should this measure affect writing style?

Write the information following the CURVED PYRAMID principle of copywriting so that the press release you send does not get lost in the information space or go to the journalist’s email trash. Place the most interesting information in the text, which will attract the attention of the journalist and the reader, in the first sentence.

Don’t forget to give your post a clear and interesting title.

2. List the important details of the event

Immediately provide all the important information so that other people who are part of your target audience and interested come to your event:

  • Event name,
  • Date,
  • Time,
  • Location
  • If the event is paid, the price,
  • Where to buy and book tickets
  • Highlights of the event

In this case, potential visitors will not spend much time gathering information and can buy the ticket immediately. Otherwise, there is a danger that your information will be lost in the news feed and will not give the expected result.

3. Establish a PR plan

Don’t put anything for later. This can make your event a complete failure. Mark all the activities that you will carry out and the time of their realization.

4. Create compelling PR assets

High-quality, bright and high-quality images always attract attention. For this reason, you can also present the visual design of your event in the media.

To create quality PR content for PR activities:

  • Ask speakers to submit quality photos,
  • Use quality photos taken at previous events,
  • Use the services of a professional photographer to photograph the event (A quality photo can also be useful for preparing for the next event),
  • Create unusual and eye-catching infographics,
  • After the event, do not forget to use photo materials and video reports in internal and external resources.

5. Prepare an original logo and hashtag for the event

Create an original logo and hashtag for the event and actively use them in social networks and mass media. Set up a brand wall or photo zone for taking photos at the venue. Such an approach will attract the attention of your audience and increase the information coverage many times.

6. Invite the press

Don’t stop PR activity even after the event has started. Use the support of the press. Make it possible for them to enter the event for free.

7. Do not forget about feedback

“When will the photos be available?” – what kind of questions are you familiar with? Everyone always wants to get the photo report quickly. Don’t keep event visitors waiting too long. Don’t make them search too much on the Internet. Send the link to the guests of the event by sharing all the photos taken at the event on your social network page or website. This tactic will both increase your activity on social networks and increase traffic to your site.

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